Onyx Enterprise, Inc., a Certified Woman and Minority Owned and Small Business headquartered in Detroit, Michigan provides engineering consulting, project management and construction management services to local, state, federal government, engineering consulting firms and contractors. Our team of highly qualified and experienced professionals meet each of our unique client's needs.
Below is a partial listing of our work:

This $1.5 billion project includes three segments of critical bridge design and construction. OEI is a Prime Consultant providing Municipal Utility design for the Cadillac Bridge. The scope includes
- Prepare combined municipal utility plan/profile sheets (1" = 40' H; 1" = 4' V) for necessary relocations.
- Incorporate DWSD utility details into plan set and prepare any unique details that are required.
- Coordinate municipal utility design with roadway, maintaining traffic and bridge plans prepared by others.
- Prepare all required special provisions related to proposed municipal utility design, utilizing DWSD master specifications as a starting point. Calculate all associated quantities and prepare cost estimates related to municipal utility design.
- Supply HNTB with required plans, special provisions and estimate information for required MDEQ permit applications and DWSD approvals. Coordinate Potential Municipal Utility Impacts: As defined by preliminary potential conflict matrices with plans. Meetings: Attend full-day utility coordination meetings with DWSD and/or MDOT.
M-1 Rail
M-1 Rail and MDOT
Year of Completion - 2016, Cost - $137 Million
This $137 million project includes 3.3 mile street car from New Center to downtown in Detroit. OEI is providing Technical Assistance/ Construction Engineering Inspection services for tracking, measurement, documentation, computation and record keeping of M-1 Rail guide-way and track construction, stations, site demolition, utility relocations, roadway rehabilitation, power distribution, lighting and signal work. M-1 Rail officially started construction on July 28, 2014. The streetcar line will stretch from downtown Detroit to Grand Boulevard in New Center. There will be 20 different stations serving 12 stops, with most of the stations being curbside on either side of Woodward Avenue going uptown or downtown, but changing to center road stations at the north and south ends of the system. The streetcar line is expected to be operational in late 2016. OEI technicians followed MDOT's procedures and Requirements for project documentation, project materials documentation, and project close out.
Tarolyn Buckles, president and CEO of Onyx Enterprise, Inc., featured on Detroit Public Television Education Series "STEM Heroes". The segment highlights the M-1 Rail project.
The Heights Hilltop Interceptor (HHI) Local Sewer System Evaluation Study (SSES) is not a traditional SSES – it is a planning effort that uses field investigations as a road map to focus on solutions to address Clean Water Act (CWA) issues. Identification and prioritization of capital projects, maintenance solutions and policy recommendations that positively impact the region’s public health and water quality are the final deliverables. The process to develop these deliverables with the NEORSD requires highly-refined wet weather planning expertise, a targeted field investigation strategy, and a blend of alternatives to address the various CWA issues. The Wade Trim/Brown and Caldwell along with Onyx as sub-consultant brings the integrated planning background knowledge, technical expertise and commitment to the project. Onyx is providing Hydraulic Engineering technical support.
The work includes complex modeling, development of standards and operational protocols, and assisting with day-today activities required to implement and measure permit compliance and performance. The services required under this contract are Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Program Management Office (PMO), and the CSO Advanced Facilities Plan and Program Support Services (CSO AFP-PSS) contracts. Onyx is sub-consultant to Wade Trim and CH2MHILL team providing the available, experienced staff that understands the District’s CSO Program, collection system and models. The team provides high level of modeling expertise required to support the program and the detailed coordination needed for the hydraulic modeling support component of the contract.
Ms. Buckles Technical Advisor experience with the City of Detroit Board of Water Commissioners includes research, analyzes, and development of technical strategies on behalf of the Board (Provided recommendations and benchmarks from other agencies regarding Local Economic Development Policies for increasing MBE/WBE and SBE participation on projects); Review and Development of Policies on behalf of the Board; Advises the Board with respect to capital, operating, project expenditures, efficiencies and priorities; Advises the Board on recommendation from management with respect to the operating budgets; Analyzes and reviews all levels of operation of the Water and Sewerage Department (Optimization project and Training programs reviews); Participation on Board Committees: Operations, and Procurement and Compliance, Human Resources, and Finance Committees. Prepared monthly Board Reports documenting and publishing all meetings minutes, investigations, and reports.
The work involves the demolition and total removal of the former Berry Terminal including site restoration. Onyx is providing a full time Safety Manager on site during all activities including asbestos abatement and the removal of Universal Wastes. Onyx is also providing a full time Quality Control Manager licensed professional engineer. Once the utility reroutes are completed (including fiber optic cable and new power for the Airport access gate) the remaining utilities to the Berry Terminal will be disconnected, cut and capped. Demolition of the Berry Terminal will commence at the south end of the building. After all abatement is completed, utilities rerouted, and utilities cut and capped the demolition is expected to take 8 weeks.
Onyx is part of team of engineers providing the Great Lakes Water Authority (GLWA) an extremely comprehensive analysis and detailed design to complete and construct Contract No. CS-1732 “Professional Engineering Services for Miscellaneous Mechanical Improvements at the Lake Huron Water Treatment Plant.” The project will provide preliminary design, final design, construction administration, resident project representation, updating the system’s Operations and Maintenance (O&M) manual, development of standard operating procedures, and training services for the project components. The project includes the following key components: Equipment replacement (3 boilers, 2 Kathabar dehumidification units, 1 hot water absorption chiller, 4 backflow preventers, and related HVAC equipment as required to provide the HVAC and Dehumidification needs for the Administration Building, Piping Gallery, and Electrical room).
This $1.2 million project includes constructing approximately 800 feet of new concrete pavement on Cherry Hill Road through the Newburgh Road intersection, new sidewalk in this vicinity, and traffic signal improvements. This project improved the safety and traffic flow at this intersection, as well as providing new long term pavement in this intersection. New traffic signals and pavement markings were placed. Onyx Enterprise is providing Technical Assistance/ Construction Engineering Inspection services for tracking, measurement, documentation, computation and record keeping. This project began after the Fourth of July holiday and was completed in October 2014. Onyx Enterprise's technicians followed MDOT's procedures and Requirements for project documentation, project materials documentation, and project close out.
As Controls/Contracts Manager, Project Engineer, and Task Manager Ms. Buckles managed +16 subcontracts agreements with engineering and construction on 27 individual engineering projects related to improvements for water and wastewater treatment plants, pumping stations, CSO facilities, watermain and sanitary sewers. The range of project services included, general consulting, studies, design consulting, design-build oversight consulting, and construction administration/management services.
Assisted Project manager in managing the engineering team of architectural, mechanical, and electrical engineers in the design of a new pumping system including pumps, motors, starters/VFDs, valves and piping along with wet well intake modifications and construction of a new building to house electrical, mechanical equipment and miscellaneous appurtenances and all other civil, structural, mechanical, electrical and I&C system related work as required for a fully functional pumping station. The project also involves process design related to wet well and pump suction intake structure modifications and pump replacement for a 75-mgd sanitary pumping station. The existing station consists of an 80-ft deep 25-ft diameter circular wet well with three 25-mgd vertical mixed flow pumps. Also obtained permits for the project: Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) Wastewater permit, MDEQ Act 451 Part 301. 303, 31, US Army Core of Engineers Nationwide Permit, Clinton Township Planning Commission appearance before the board and planning commission approval, Building permits, Macomb County Roads permit, Macomb County Soil Erosion and Drain permit approvals.
Community Outreach Manager/Liaison. Provided management the and oversight of the Team / DWSD community outreach program for Upper Rouge Tunnel and later Rouge CSO Control Project. Meetings. Ms. Buckles public relations assistance: facilitated community meetings as needed with stakeholders to provide awareness of the project, completed meeting minutes, and follow up as needed with community leaders provided and residents. Prepared powerpoint presentations for stakeholder meetings.
Assisted Project manager in managing the engineering team of architectural, structural, mechanical HVAC and plumbing, and electrical engineers in the design and construction of 22 Belt Filter Presses for 2 dewatering complexes at the wastewater treatment plant. The project involves replacement of 22 belt filter presses, addition of screw conveyors to transfer sludge cake from each BFP to the sludge belt conveyor, replacement of sludge feed header system, replacement of polymer pumping equipment and other process improvements as well as architectural building additions of electrical and control rooms, mezzanine and stair additions, structural modifications to accommodate the belt filter presses and secondary containment, electrical, HVAC and plumbing improvements.
DWSD Sewer Meter Replacements
Detroit Water & Sewerage Department, Detroit, Michigan
Year of Completion - 2012, Cost - $ 5 Million
Project Manager
Project manager in managing the engineering team of architectural, mechanical, electrical, instrumentation and controls engineers for design and construction of sewer metering facilities.
Onyx completed detailed specifications of various equipment and managed a team of engineers in the preparation of Design/ Build Request for Proposal documents. This $18 million project involves critical pumping facility improvements to pumps and valves, dehumidification equipment, electrical and structural improvements. Onyx Enterprise prepared RFP documents as oversight consultant role. The RFP documents prepared under Ms. Buckles's management as well as completion of various detailed design specifications sections proposals were completed in 2004. Onyx also coordinated and completed bidding services assembling addendums and response to bidders' questions. Construction is phased in three low-demand seasons. Onyx was also responsible for the shop drawing and RFI coordination with the team of engineers as well as claims reviews. The project is currently under construction and scheduled for completion in the summer of 2010.
Onyx managed a team of engineers in the design of three 250 mgd (2000 HP/each), one 80 mgd pump VFD controlled pump, two sanitary wastewater pump, electrical switchgear, SCADA improvements, and related architectural, and process design. Onyx developed the up-front specifications and coordinated design specifications for this $22 million construction project. Ms. Buckles was also responsible for the shop drawing and RFI coordination with the team of engineers as well as claims reviews. The project is under construction and is scheduled for completion in the spring of 2009.
DWSD Emergency Generators
Detroit Water & Sewerage Department, Dearborn & Allen Park, Michigan
Year of Completion-September 2008, Cost- $ 11 Million
Project Engineer for the emergency power system (1.2 BGD) for Detroit WWTP as an oversight consultant. Currently in construction phase and scheduled for completion 2008, this project includes emergency power systems for the WWTP for a total construction cost of $11 million. Onyx was involved in the preparation of upfront specifications and coordination with a team of engineers for the technical specifications for the RFP documents. Onyx is currently involved in the Construction oversight services for the Design/Build project with the management of shop drawings, RFI reviews and maintaining the logs. Onyx also coordinates with the client to ensure the D/B Contractor completes the required Permits.